What is Structured Water? -- http://blip.tv/file/2258101
The Nature of Structured Water -- http://blip.tv/file/2258066
Structured Water Studies -- http://blip.tv/file/2257997
At the end there is a before and after of the water measured by a Russian GDV. It is not clear that it is before and after but you can see an image like a star (before with really good water) and after like a blazing sun (after going thru the unit)
These Structured Water Units are available from me via paypal:
Dan Nelson - Hyper-Physics 101 / Miracles of The Water (MP3):
Dan Nelson - Water Waves (MP3):
Dan Nelson 3-hour lecture video (.MP4 format, 1 GB)
Water & the bio disk, chakra energy centers, the human aura, geometry within it, & more!
Google videos (volume low on these, you will need to turn up volume):
"The Water" ~ Applied Hyper-Physics Theory ~ Clip 2
"The Water" ~ Applied Hyper-Physics Theory ~ Clip 3
"The Water" ~ Applied Hyper-Physics Theory ~ Clip 4
This is a long segment of a more recent 3-day seminar featuring the amazing, candid, no-nonsense physics pioneer, Dan Nelson, held in ... all » November 2006 before a small audience of doctors, therapists, college students and researchers about Hyper-Physics Theory and a legendary product called "The Water". In this long segment, you will not only hear about "The Water" co-created by Dan Nelson and his Hyper-Physics Team, the most hydrating, intelligent water on Earth, and Dan Nelson's Hyper-Physics Theory, which is a quantum leap beyond String Theory, you will hear more about how elements like gold, platinum, palladium and other elements are "grown" in water by frequencies and encoded fractal patterns with a unique Geometric Photon Laser invented by Dan Nelson, you will learn about the "proto-mineral" discovered by Dan Nelson, who is also the first man to discover the first sample of Technicium on Earth, and how life itself divinely manifests in water.
In the seminar, other topics like the modern development of physics over the last century and the physicists involved, Dr. Emoto's work with water, how information is stored in the holographic mind field (encapsulating the human body) and not the physical brain, cracking the myths of "sacred geometry", how math and written language is expressed in geometry, and the secrets of the photon, gravity, time, entropy and "zero-point energy". This video is only an introductory fraction of the entire 3-day seminar, and you may obtain further information about obtaining the rest of the seminar on DVD from Elder Hale at rangeguide.net. The rest of the seminar includes applications of Hyper-Physics Theory for research and development, the latest developments in the new solid-state Bio-Disk System, and detailed testing methods for further research in Hyper-Physics Theory that includes Chakra activation tests, tests for energy blockages, and much, much more information that you will not find anywhere else.
The claims made about specific products have not been "evaluated by the FDA and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.” This information is for educational purposes and research only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.
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